Summary: | Epidermolysis bullosa simplex (EBS) is a rare genetic condition typified by superficial bullous lesions following incident frictional trauma to the skin. Most cases of EBS are due to dominantly-acting mutations in keratin 14 (K14) or K5, the type I and II intermediate filament (IF) proteins that co-polymerize to form a pan-cytoplasmic network of 10nm filaments in basal keratinocytes of epidermis and related epithelia. Defects in K5–K14 filament network architecture cause basal keratinocytes to become fragile, and account for their rupture upon exposure to mechanical trauma. The discovery of the etiology and pathophysiology of EBS was intimately linked to the quest for an understanding of the properties and function of keratin filaments in skin epithelia. Since then, continued cross-fertilization between basic science efforts and clinical endeavors has highlighted several additional functional roles for keratin proteins in the skin, suggested new avenues for effective therapies for keratin-based diseases, and expanded our understanding of the remarkable properties of skin as an organ system.