Summary: | Tuberculosis: novel vaccine formulation elicits strong immune responses A tuberculosis vaccine containing an immunity-potentiating agent stimulated strong immune responses in a first-in-human trial. Tuberculosis (TB) is the world’s foremost cause of infectious disease deaths, yet lacks an effective vaccine for adult humans. Rhea Coler, of the Infectious Disease Research Institute, Seattle, and a team from the United States and South Africa, tested their prophylactic on 60 healthy US adults. The vaccine consisted of ID93, a fusion of TB therapeutic target proteins, and GLA-SE—a supplement to boost immune responses. The candidate proved safe in all participants, with mild-to-moderate adverse effects, and provoked promising immune responses. The formulation was significantly more effective with GLA-SE than without. Further studies will elucidate the therapeutic benefit of this formulation and its ability to combat the pathogenicity of TB.