by Wijnands, R., in't Zand, J., Rupen, M., Maccarone, T., Homan, J., Cornelisse, R., Fender, R., Grindlay, J., van der Klis, M., Kuulkers, E., Markwardt, C., Miller-Jones, James, Wang, Q.
Published 2006
“...accretion...”Published 2006
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by Yusef-Zadeh, F., Wardle, M., Miller-Jones, James, Roberts, D., Grosso, N., Porquet, D.
Published 2011
“...accretion...”Published 2011
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Unveiling recurrent jets of the ULX Holmberg II X-1: evidence for a massive stellar-mass black hole?
by Cseh, D., Kaaret, P., Corbel, S., Grisé, F., Lang, C., Kording, E., Falcke, H., Jonker, P., Miller-Jones, James, Farrell, S., Yang, Y., Paragi, Z., Frey, S.
Published 2014
“...accretion...”Published 2014
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by De Vos, Rick
Published 2014
“...accretion...”Published 2014
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by Moin, Aquib, Reynolds, Cormac, Miller-Jones, James, Tingay, Steven, Phillips, C., Tzioumis, A., Nicolson, G., Fender, R.
Published 2011
“...accretion...”Published 2011
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by Jonker, P., Miller-Jones, James, Homan, J., Tomsick, J., Fender, R., Kaaret, P., Markoff, S., Gallo, E.
Published 2012
“...accretion...”Published 2012
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by Aleksic, J., Ansoldi, S., Antonelli, L., Antoranz, P., Babic, A., Bangale, P., Barrio, J., Becerra, J., Bednarek, W., Bernardini, E., Biasuzzi, B., Biland, A., Blanch Bigas, O., Bonnefoy, S., Bonnoli, G., Borracci, F., Bretz, T., Carmona, E., Carosi, A., Colin, P., Colombo, E., Contreras, J., Cortina, J., Covino, S., Da Vela, P., Dazzi, F., de Angelis, A., De Caneva, G., De Lotto, B., Delgado, C., Doert, M., Dominis Prester, D., Dorner, D., Doro, M., Einecke, S., Eisenacher, D., Elsaesser, D., Fonseca, M., Font, L., Frantzen, K., Fruck, C., Galindo, D., Garcia López, R., Garczarczyk, M., Garrido Terrats, D., Gaug, M., Godinovic, N., González Muñoz, A., Gozzini, S., Hadasch, D., Hanabata, Y., Hayashida, M., Herrera, J., Hildebrand, D., Hose, J., Hrupec, D., Idec, W., Kadenius, V., KELLERMANN, K., Kodani, K., Konno, Y., Krause, J., Kubo, H., Kushida, J., La Barbera, A., Lelas, D., Lewandowska, N., Lindfors, E., Lombardi, S., López, M., López-Coto, R., López-Oramas, A., Lorenz, E., Lozano, I., Makariev, M., Mallot, K., Maneva, G., Mankuzhiyil, N., Mannheim, K., Maraschi, L., Marcote, B., Mariotti, M., Martínez, M., Mazin, D., Menzel, U., Miranda, J., Mirzoyan, R., Moralejo Olaizola, A., Munar-Adrover, P., Nakajima, D., Niedzwiecki, A., Nilsson, K., Nishijima, K., Noda, K., Nowak, N., Orito, R., Overkemping, A., Paiano, S., Palatiello, M., Paneque, D., Paoletti, R., Paredes, J., Paredes-Fortuny, X., Persic, M., Prada Moroni, P., Prandini, E., Preziuso, S., Puljak, I., Reinthal, R., Rhode, W., Ribo, M., Rico, J., Rodriguez Garcia, J., Rugamer, S., Saggion, A., Saito, T., Saito, K., Satalecka, K., Scalzotto, V., Scapin, V., Schultz, C., Schweizer, T., Sillanpää, A., Sitarek, J., Snidaric, I., Sobczynska, D., Spanier, F., Stamatescu, V., Stamerra, A., Steinbring, T., Storz, J., Strzys, M., Takalo, L., Takami, H., Tavecchio, F., Temnikov, P., Terzic, T., Tescaro, D., Teshima, M., Thaele, J., Tibolla, Omar, Torres, D., Toyama, T., Treves, A., Uellenbeck, M., Vogler, P., Wagner, R., Zanin, R., Bogosavljevic, M., Ioannou, Z., Mauche, C., Palaiologou, E., Pérez-Torres, M., Tuominen, T.
Published 2014
“...accretion...”Published 2014
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Journal Article
by Russell, D., Markoff, S., Casella, P., Cantrell, A., Chatterjee, R., Fender, R., Gallo, E., Gandhi, P., Homan, J., Maitra, D., Miller-Jones, James, O'Brien, K., Shahbaz, T.
Published 2013
“...accretion...”Published 2013
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by Russell, D., Russell, Thomas, Miller-Jones, James, O'Brien, K., Soria, Roberto, Sivakoff, G., Slaven-Blair, Teresa, Lewis, F., Markoff, S., Homan, J., Altamirano, D., Curran, Peter, Rupen, M., Belloni, T., Cadolle Bel, M., Casella, P., Corbel, S., Dhawan, V., Fender, R., Gallo, E., Gandhi, P., Heinz, S., Koerding, E., Krimm, H., Maitra, D., Migliari, S., Remillard, R., Sarazin, C., Shahbaz, T., Tudose, V.
Published 2013
“...accretion...”Published 2013
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by Miller-Jones, James, Wrobel, J., Sivakoff, G., Heinke, C., Miller, R., Plotkin, R., Di Stefano, R., Greene, J., Ho, L., Joseph, T., Kong, A., Maccarone, T.
Published 2012
“...accretion...”Published 2012
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by Russell, Thomas, Soria, Roberto, Motch, C., Pakull, M., Torres, M., Curran, Peter, Jonker, P., Miller-Jones, James
Published 2014
“...accretion...”Published 2014
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by Russell, D., Curran, P., Munoz-Darias, T., Lewis, F., Motta, S., Stiele, H., Belloni, T., Miller-Jones, James, Jonker, P., O'Brien, K., Homan, J., Casella, P., Gandhi, P., Soleri, P., Markoff, S., Maitra, D., Gallo, E., Cadolle Bel, M.
Published 2012
“...accretion...”Published 2012
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by Ratti, E., Jonker, P., Miller-Jones, James, Torres, M., Homan, J., Markoff, S., Tomsick, J., Kaaret, P., Wijnands, R., Gallo, E., Ozel, F., Steeghs, D., Fender, R.
Published 2012
“...accretion...”Published 2012
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